NDIS Plan Management Myths Busted

When it comes to NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) plan management, there have been many myths and misconceptions about the plan. 

From people thinking managing an NDIS plan is too difficult, to the benefits of a plan manager, the NDIS recently addressed these whispers in an effort to encourage people to use the scheme if they need to access assistance.

Let’s step through some of those misconceptions, and the answers the NDIS have provided:

MYTH: Plan management is an out of pocket expense

Plan management comes at no personal cost to the individual. NDIS will fund plan management in addition to the other support they fund you. It is a service that helps people with disabilities to exercise greater control and choice over their supports and to have flexibility and certainty in how those supports are delivered.

Plan management services are available to NDIS participants. You can request to have plan management included in your NDIS plan during the planning meeting. The support can then be added to the NDIS plan to pay for the plan management service.

There are many benefits to using a plan manager, including the following:

👉More choice and control over the providers you want to use

👉 Flexibility in how your support needs are met; and

👉 Peace of mind knowing that a professional manages your support payments

MYTH: It is difficult to obtain funding for NDIS plan management

Several myths about plan management can make it seem like obtaining funding is more complex than it is. One common myth is that you need to have a certain amount of money in your NDIS plan before you can use plan management services. It is not the case – you can start using plan management services as soon as the plan management funding has been added.

Another myth is that you need to have a diagnosis of a disability to access funding for plan management. It is also not the case – anyone with an NDIS plan can ask for plan management services.

What is the process for getting funding for plan management? You can ask your NDIS planner which is usually your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) to discuss your needs and develop your NDIS plan and ask them to include plan management in your plan. Once your NDIS plan is approved, you can access funding for plan management services through your NDIS provider.

MYTH: Plan management means you have no control over your plan

This is not true. Plan management gives you more control over your NDIS support budget and how it is spent. You can choose which providers you want to work with and have a say in the support you receive. You also have more flexibility when it comes to changing your support needs.

MYTH: Plan managers only pay your Invoices

One of the most common misconceptions about NDIS plan management is that the plan manager’s only job is to pay invoices. Whilst paying invoices is their primary role, they can also play a vital role in supporting participants to understand their funding and  the NDIS system better.

Plan managers work with participants and their families to answer questions relating to what has been funded in their NDIS plans to help them better understand their unique NDIS plan. They are also sometimes a good source of information about what services are available. In addition, plan managers keep updated information of spending against budgeted amounts and provide financial reports to participants and their families.

If you are an NDIS participant, or if you are thinking about using a plan manager, it is essential to understand what they can do for you. Plan managers can provide invaluable support in addition to the payment of your NDIS funded services.

MYTH: NDIS plan management and support coordination are the same things

Plan management and support coordination are services organisations provide that help participants with their NDIS plans. However, they’re very different.

Plan management is a service that helps participants with the financial aspects of their NDIS plan. It includes managing payments to service providers, claiming NDIS funds and keeping records of payments.

Support coordination is a service that helps participants implement their plans by finding and accessing services, coordinating supports, and linking participants with other community resources.

MYTH: Plan management costs a lot of money

It is a common misconception that plant management is expensive. Most people with an NDIS plan find that plan management saves them money. With proper financial management, you can avoid overspending on your NDIS plan and make the most of your support budget. Plan management is added on top of your plan meaning it doesn’t affect any of your other supports.

Myth: Only NDIS-registered providers can be used

It isn’t true. While it’s true that you can only use NDIS-registered providers for certain things, you are not limited to using them for everything. With plan management, you can use any provider you want as long as they meet the requirements set out by the NDIS. If you’re looking for a particular service or support, don’t be afraid to shop around and find the best provider for your needs – regardless of whether they’re registered with the NDIS.

What are the benefits of being plan managed?

Having your NDIS plan operated by a professional organisation has many benefits. Here are just a few:

  1. You will have peace of mind knowing that experts are handling your NDIS funds
  2. You will have more time to focus on your life and achieving your goals, as the plan manager will take care of the financial payments and admin for you.
  3. You will have access to additional support and resources, as most plan management organisations offer various services beyond financial management. It could include check ins to see how your plan is working for you, access to real time budget tracking systems and access to more provider choices through provider portal access.

As you can see, there are many myths surrounding NDIS plan management that people may not be aware of. 

It is essential to ensure that you have all the information before making any decisions about managing your plan. Knowing the facts will help ensure you receive the best possible outcomes from your NDIS Plan services and give yourself peace of mind.

Originally published on the NDIS Plan Management blog, 2022